Saturday, May 26, 2012

The 'Not So King' Troll

Now, I don't know the whole story on this one, but I think there could be something to this. We've all heard the rumors of RealJustin and Mariana getting it in. Rumors that were obviously started by the former. And, for the record, I've seen Mariana broadcast once or twice since these rumors hit the net, but not once have I heard her even mention it. Take that for what it's worth, I suppose.

Justin was in a rage this early morning in main chat. A rage about Mariana, apparently. He begged the trolls to believe that he had slept with Mariana, and after, she had somehow screwed him over. I believe he used the word 'love' once or twice.

Anyhow, Justin proceeded to spam his Facebook link, telling chatters how he is posting all the the conversations between he and 'Marianna'. I have a hard time believing it myself, but I think we should let Battlecam decide, personally.

Also, if you notice, he mentions how good of friends he is with Alexxx8. Unfortunately, Alex was having no part in his 'troll' and called him an idiot on a couple of occasions during the conversation.

I find it hard to believe that Mariana speaks like this, even through texts. On the other hand, I find it hard to believe that Justin is smart enough to write out this entire conversation by himself for a trolls sake.

On with the texts...


Stay classy Battlecam...


  1. well, i'm confused. does the real mariana spell her name with one "n" OR two?

  2. It's probably a tranny justin fuked and now wants to make up with him/her. No one believes a word he says.

    Justin ::: newsflash::: There are men out there with more than a nine incher brah. They know how to treat a lady or guy , whoever they are with. You never went to college, you live with mommy, you have no savings, you are no chef and your whole family hates you including your mother, stepfather and brother. Your own dad tells you to get a job because you are a loser. We all know you are mildly retarded and can't help some of the things you do.

    You have a childish 8 yr old tantrum and reaction when you get upset. You can fake all the chat you want. You are trash. If marianna really did have too much to drink and you had sex with her then it's rape. Without total consent you raped her. I would not brag about that. Then you post this crap?

    She clearly said she had too much to drink and you took advantage of that, if it's true. Rapist !

  3. Replies
    1. yeah, that's why i questioned the spelling - those chat screenies are from "Marianna" =D fun blog welcome to the fray! =P

  4. Marianna - Mariana, dude! More of Justin's vivid imagination. Did some one teach an inflatable doll to type? Spit, kick and sulk all you want. Tantrums are funny.

    The courts don't like guys who have sex with someone who is under the influence of drink, or drugs. IT'S RAPE!

  5. I find it hard to believe that anyone would sleep with Justin, even Mariana as attention starved as she is I would not think she would stoop that low. But hey, you never know, nothing surprises me these days.

  6. Mariana slept with Justin, deep in our hearts we know this to be true, even if we don't want to believe, those texts don't lie we know they're real. He was even bragging in main about how he creampied her, how she wanted him to "cum inside her", and how "she loved the 9 incher", later to reveal that it was all a ploy to get her in the sack again. Not that it's any different than Tallballer calling her a skank and talking about her "pancake" tits and body all behind her back, haha. Knowing how Justin is towards women, and how he literally raped a girl live on battlecam a few months ago, I think Mariana might be borderline mentally retarded. I don't know about you, but even after a few too many, i've never met anyone who makes such drastic, potential career ending mistakes the way she does, over and over and over again. She's chocked full of mental issues and has already fucked at least two other guys from battlecam (other than Justin), let alone the internet. I'm just waiting to see the pictures Justin claims to have, as well as the battlecam meetup in Vegas that will undoubtedly end up with some sort of sexual activity and Mariana right dab in the center of it, as usual.

    In this case I'm certain that it's not whether or not she gets shit faced enough to go turbo slut and start fucking every guy at the meetup, but rather who manipulates her to this point first.

    We should take bets as to who fucks her at the meetup first. What do you guys think?

    Now Justin is trying to get all buddy buddy with Tallballer on facebook inviting him to Miami. Knowing Tallballer, Mariana will undoubtedly forgive him and he's going to agree to some sort of arrangement with Justin. We might actually get wind of a threesome before the Vegas meetup ;) How much of a slut can a female be without actually starring in porn?

    Oh How the mighty have fallen. What a shame.
